[ROM][4.4.4] Biftor™SlimKat Rom V9.0[AOSP] ROM For Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005 LTE 4.4.4

Posted by Unknown at 11:21 AM

Welcome to Biftor™ SlimKat Rom V9.0 KitKat For n9005(hlte)

For weeks i tried many roms on my phone, i almost flashed all kinds of roms. But i wasn't satisfy with any of them. Every Rom had some good features and some bad features. Finally i decided to cook my own Rom for myself, i begun to research about how to cook a Rom, for days and days i was learning how to cook a Rom, finally i managed to cook my first Rom, biftor Rom v1.0 . V1.0 was my first Rom and i think it was what i wanted. But i begun to cook my second Rom, I've worked on it for many days. And now finally i got what i was looking for it.I proudly introduce my Rom: Biftor™ Rom

Biftor SlimKat Features:

  1. Fully Compiled From Latest Slim Kat Soure Android Open Source(AOSP) 15/07/2014(Slim BUILD 6.4)
  2. All Biftor Features Will Port just i need time, just waiting
  3. Ported:Clear all Recent Button in Recent app panel
  4. Ported:Biftor Left StatusBar Clock
  5. Added P'hone Headers Custom Text Lable
  6. Added P'hone App Headers Custom Text Lable
  7. Added Biftor Rom Control app
  8. Added all Reboot method(Hot boot,Reboot,Recovery and download)
  9. Added hardware buttons customization(short press,long press and double tab)
  10. Added menu to unlock
  11. Added USB settings for mass storage and mtp
  12. Added All Phone Colors in one option you can change all phone colors with one colors picker
  13. Added RANDOM COLOR PICKER see this video for info
  14. Added RANDOM COLOR PICKER With Time PICKER in my Rom Control see this video for info
  15. Added RANDOM COLORS Settings and TIME PICKERS to Biftor Rom Control
  16. Added Download Speed In Drop Down Notification
  17. Added SlimPie
  18. Wallpaper Picker For StatusBar BG and Drop Down Header You Can Set That From Biftor Rom Control
  19. Added Wallpaper Picker in my Rom Control
  20. Added General UI Color Picker(See General Ui Colors Picker Section)
  21. Added Enable Extra StatusBar Colors Switch,If You Want Set Others Color to each elements Check That,Else You Can Set Color of All Elements From RANDOM COLORS Or ALL PHONE Colors Picker
  22. Added Drop Down Notification BG Type(Stock Aosp BG or Color Picker)
  23. Added BACK UP And RESTORE Option In Biftor Rom Control
  24. Added Drop Down Close Drag Handle BG Customization You Can Set Stock Bg,Color and Custom image From General UI Colors Picker
  25. Added Header Clock and Date Short and Long Click able Actions You can set that to custom app,custom activity,Alarm,Calender ...
  26. Added All new Colors Picker Elements to My Random Colors And All Colors Elements Except Backgrounds,if you want Change Colors of each elements you Should Check "Enable General UI Extra Color" and set your Colors for each one
  27. REMOVED Restart Status bar require for BG and Image Pickers Change immediately Great work
  28. Fixed Drop Down Header Bg Color
  29. Added Drop Down Header Reminder option
  30. Added LCD Density Picker to my Settings and my Rom Control
  31. Fixed my Settings Wifi and Bluetooth Switch
  32. Application BG Customization Select BG Image(your Image),Color or Stock(for settings or same settings apps)
  33. Added Switch for use that toggle for all Application
  34. Added My Quick Lunch Panel 20 Toggle or Shortcut With Real App Icon
  35. Toggle for Enable or Disable For Quick Lunch Panel
  36. Added My Quick Lunch Panel To Swipe Panel and removed view from expanded panel
  37. Added Toggle For Enable or Disable Collapse Panel after Tab On Each Shortcuts
  38. Added Toggle For Enable or Disable Vibration after Tab On Each Shortcuts
  39. Added Toggle For Enable or Disable Auto Scroll Quick Launch Panel
  40. Added Shortcuts Icon Next to the Select Each Shortcuts picker in My Rom Control
  41. Added Ability to Change Signal And Battery Icon Location to Right/Left/Hide
  43. Added Ability to show or hide StatusBar Volume,Alarm and Bluetooth icon
  44. Added Auto Rom Update(if new version upload you will have notification for update)
  45. Ported:Biftor PhoneTheme Color(see Phone theme color piker section) Piker all of them have Switch for ON/OFF(100% done)(You should to use Biftor Rom control for change all of them)
  46. Fixed My Rom Control Summary Of Shortcuts
  47. Re Writ All Options and Settings Because I made my framework
  48. Added Slim Recent Great Work
  49. Fixed Google Play FC
  50. Fixed LCD Density In my Rom Control
  51. Fixed Backup and restore
  52. Fixed Auto scroll of my quick launch panel (not work immediately)
  53. Fixed other little Problems
  54. Added ability to change signal icon strength to 4,5 and 6 with real value not fake :-p and change immediately
  55. Added Recent Panel Customization
  56. Added Recent panel Customization To General UI Colors Picker
  57. Added Recent Panel Bg Wallpaper Picker and Change Color of that Toggle able
  58. Added Recent Panel show on lef or right and change size of that
  59. phone btn bg color working for all button now
  60. added wipes option in my romcontrol
  61. My New App done Calling "Biftor Wallpapers" you can set your wallpaper from 40 available wallpaper in my app
  62. Halo added
  63. Halo customizations added(color,size,position...)
  64. Halo balck list and white list notification added you can do it in Settings/app/appp details
  65. Added Halo enable or disable button in dropdown header +abiloty for show or hide
  66. Signal text+db img came back to Biftor Roms
  67. internet speed acame back to Biftor Roms
  68. ability to change location of signal text,internet speed,signal,internet speed text color and text size picker added and all things about those added
  69. battery bar and all battery bar customizations(color location,size,animation)came back to Biftor Roms
  70. ability to add lock screen wallpaper picker added
  71. ability for set lock screen bg color, image or default bg
  72. ability for make lock screen transparent added
  73. ability to change lock screen wallpaper transparency you should enable transparent lock screen then use slider for change transparency
  74. ability for enable lock screen blur slider effect for bg on transparent lock screen
  75. new great thing done in biftor Rom Control:New backUp and Restore Tool already you have that but thats not working on some device and...
    Now you can make back up from all your customizations,theming and bg images as a one txt file with each name you want and one zip for your bg and images then you can import those from your sdcard same as file manager and restore,finally this part i hope you love it you can share your backup on internet on my topics or... and then other users if want can import your back up and restore your theming (i said wait i am working ) .
    16.new great thing for app bg or colors now you can make blacklist of applications you dont want have your custom bg or color yes black list of applications.
  76. new great other great thing added,hotboot in advance reboot menu now you can do hot reboot from power menu advance reboot menu
  77. navigation bar button,signal,internet speed,db image and ... color added to random picker
  78. added check version to package manager(will show you curent and new app version)
  79. added Automatic update to Biftor Rom Control
  80. added Biftor Rom Changelog in SlimCenter
  81. Added clear all tasks button on SlimRecentPanel +Switch for ON/OFF
  82. Added call recording in dialer,you can enable,disable or change format or .... from my Rom Control.
  83. Added Biftor BatteryIconPicker for statusbar use my rom control to change it.
  84. Added many new Image Picker for backgrounds,such as dropdown quick launch toggles,navigation bar,app titles etc....
  85. Added new colors option for backgrounds calling Gradient for all backgrounds every where,... such as application background status bar,dropdwonheader,navigation,tile,notifications.. .
  86. Added application title customizations background,with exclude applications like as Application backgrounds.
  87. Added Rom Transparency switch this no themeing just coding.
  88. Rom Transparncy slider ...
  89. Added all Colors in one color picker will set all rom colors from one picker i had it before but now added all slim values.
  90. Added Exfat fully working
  91. Fixed Halo button on dropdown header
  92. Fixed Power off
  93. Fixed Rom Control Backup and restore problem
  94. Fixed all Rom and Rom Control bugs if I dint mistake
  95. Biftor Rom Control Updated To V8.1
  96. Added Battery Icon Settings .
  97. and many other things I cant remember because of long time sorry you can find new things in my Rom control.at last I am backed again will see many wonder full new things =))
  98. Added KeyBoard fully customizations+Switch for ON/OFF
  99. Added KeyBoard BTN digits Color
  100. Added KeyBoard BTN Small digits Color
  101. Added KeyBoard BTN Preview digits Color
  102. Added KeyBoard BTN BG Color/Gradient for press and normal BTN action+Switch for ON/OFF
  103. Added KeyBoard BG Color/Gradient/Custom Image+Switch for ON/OFF
  104. Added KeyBoard Suggestions BG Color/Gradient/Custom Image+Switch for ON/OFF
  105. Added KeyBoard Suggestions Text Color
  106. Added KeyBoard Suggestions Divider Color
  107. Added New Unlimited Biftor DropDown Application Shortcuts and removed my old one that was simple
  108. Added Ability to order Application Shortcuts bar in my rom control
  109. Added Ability to show or hide applications name and space between shortcuts
  110. Added fully customizations Shortcuts BG Color/Gradient/Custom Image for press and normal BTN action
  111. Added fully customizations Shortcuts TEXT,IMAGE and Divider Colors
  112. Added Ability enable/disable to vibrate,Collapse and auto scroll to end of shortcuts
  113. Added Dialler customizations+Switch for ON/OFF
  114. Added Dialler BTN numbers digits colors
  115. Added Dialler BTN small numbers Digits colors
  116. Added Dialler dialled number text colors
  117. Added fully customizations Dialer BTN BG Color/Gradient/Custom Image for press and normal BTN action+Switch for ON/OFF
  118. Added Dialer BTN BG Alpha
  119. Added fully customizations Dialer BG Color/Gradient/Custom Image +Switch for ON/OFF
  120. Added ability to show or hide dialler space between bars
  121. Added all slim new things such as head up and ...
  122. Added 2 new device to my support Hlte (Galaxy Note 3) and Jflte(Galaxy S4)
  123. Many other things and i cant remember right now... this change and all ability you see i write is not all things always
  124. Biftor Settings Updated To V3.1 [App][4+][2 March 2014]New style setting/sliding bars[V3.1]
  125. for other things and Slim base changes see and full Change log SlimKat Change log

date : 7/17/2014

Biftor Rom Control V9.1 Change logs:

  1. Fixed Wallpaper picker force close, when you set Width and Height size part empty now if you leave Width and Height empty or null or zero your wallpaper having original size.(i wanted fix it many time ago but all time i forgot it LOL ) ) .
  2. Fixed Back and Restore Dir Problem on Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3(the BiftorRomControl_BackUp folder cant make) .
  3. Fixed Hot Reboot from Power Option now working on all devices .
  4. Dont Forget Update To This Version .

General UI Color Picker:

  • Added StatusBar BG And Drop Down Header BG Color
  • Added Color Picker For statusBar and Drop Down Header Wallpaper
  • Added StatusBar Icon's Colors
  • Added StatusBar Ticker Text Color Picker
  • Added Drop Down Buttons Color Picker
  • Added Drop Down Carrier Text Color Picker
  • Added Drop Down Clock and Date Color Piker
  • Added Drop Down Notification Text Color Picker
  • Added Drop Down Notification Icons Color Picker
  • Added Drop Down Notification BG Color Picker
  • Added Signal,Wifi,Data and Ariplane Color Picker
  • Added Recent Panel Clear Image Color Picker
  • Added Recent Panel Text Color Picker
  • Added Recent Panel BG Color picker
  • Added Drop Down Close Drag Handle BG Color Picker

Phone Theme Color Piker:

  • Progress Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Progress Bar Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Header Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Apps Header Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Apps Menu list Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Apps Menu Icon Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Prefernce Title Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Prefernce Summary Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Prefernce Icon Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Array List Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Check Box Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Button Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Button BG Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Toast Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Alert Icon Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Alert Line Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Over Scroll Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Edit Text Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Switchs Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Slider Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Slider Thumb Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Phone Action Bar Icon Color+Switch for ON/OFF
  • Added To All Phone and Random Colors Picker
  • And Phone Text Color(all other text Color can be set from this)+Switch for ON/OFF

Download Biftor™ SlimKat:


Google Drive


File: Biftor™SlimKat-Rom-V9.0-hlte-4.4.4-20140715.zip
CRC-32: 539f39ea
MD4: bf2140e6ea87736402273d3a5185a633
MD5: 68ca1cd803476cef09174abb1912c772
SHA-1: 4f15b2240eb8c2081d19cbc55e7e5837d31dd6f5
Download Biftor™ Rom Control:

Biftor Rom Control_V9.1.apk Play Store dont forget to rat it

Download Biftor™ Rom Themes :

[BiftorRoms]Biftor™ Roms Theme Collection[Themes][BiftorSlimKat] dont forget check this topic

Download Biftor WallPapers:

Biftor WallPaper_V1.0.apk Developer Host

Biftor WallPaper_V1.0.apk Google Drive

Spacial Thanks: @_Sale_

Android Open Source(AOSP)
SlimBean - The SlimRom team
All Biftor™ Rom @ XDA-Developers:

Biftor™ Rom For I9100 Sammy Base
Biftor™ Rom For I9100G Sammy Base
Biftor Aroma Mod For i9100&i9100G
Biftor™ Slimkat For i9100
Biftor™ Slimkat For i9300
Biftor™ Slimkat For n7000
Biftor™ Slimkat For n7100

Biftor™ Slimkat For n9005(hlte)
Biftor™ Slimkat For i9505(jflte)

All Biftor™ Rom @ PDA-Planet:
Biftor™ Rom For I9100 Sammy Base
Biftor™ Slimkat For i9100
Biftor™ Slimkat For i9300
Biftor™ Slimkat For n7000
Biftor™ Slimkat For n7100

Biftor™ Slimkat For n9005(hlte)
Biftor™ Slimkat For i9505(jflte)

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