[Port][ROM] GoneTeamGalaxySense Htc Sense ROM Port For Samsung Galaxy S I9000

Posted by Unknown at 11:35 AM
This is the internal alpha of our team's last effort, first of all its an alpha build, so dont expect it to be a day to day use rom, theres a lot of bugs/issues so many its useless to post them here lol, main issues that pretty much halted the project were these two:
1.Phone Service crashing on wcdma bands.
2.Htc lockscreen call gets delayed by 5min or more.

No one on the team manage to fix these two and so everything just went to a stop cause of this, sorry if people got disappointed but we all tried our best,with these been said please follow this rules after downloading the internal alpha:

1.Do not report bugs
2.Do not make post like "its laggy omfg" "my raindeer dint come for xmas cause of this ****ty rom!!" "dad grounded me cause of downloading romporn" "oh mah gawd bugxor rom no work bull**** ahhhh!" really we dont care at this point.
3.Dont flame us because we dint deliver a working rom...

Anyways download it try it, and if you feel like you can fix it then please do so, thats why we decided to release it, so that maybe someone out there can fix it, supposedly theres another team porting sense to the SGS devices, personally i haven't seen it, also if theres indeed one there assholes, for never contacting us or sharing ideas with us, i mean dont we all want the same thing?? but hey maybe they grabbed one of our alpha builds, and work't of that, idk and at this point i dont care, so anyways enjoy the rom.

Working stuff:
2.bluetooth(sort off..)
5.GPS(device goes nuts, dont ask why)
7.Hardware/soft keys
8.Restarting the device from power of menu.

Not working:
2.phone service
3.HTC usb menu (can be fixed with a script made by dexter, and smali to some jar's)
4.Turning of the device
5.HTC's hibernate mode
6.Lockscreen( pressing power to bring the phone from standby will not get a lockscreen after like 5min, plug the device to usb cable and it should bring the lockscreen up)
7.Other things i might have forgotten.

Credits, in no specific order!
Whosdaman, for bringing everyone together.
Dexter_NLB, for fixing almost all the hardware on the rom(awesome job bro)
kaik_343, for fixing/helping me on the captivate port( appreciate all your help bro)
Barakinflorida, without hes initial work non of this would have happen, so major thanks to him and his outstanding work.
Mssmision, advising me and kaik regarding the port( again thx for all your help bro)
Jamezelle, for also giving us advised regarding the port.
My self, for working on the captivate port lol(awkward)
All the other team members that one way or the other made the port be were its is now.

Video thnx to glukosio

Download Link:
Edit: included kernel might not have all the latest fixes, heres the initramfs with the latest init.rc changes.


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